Tigers Tigers

Above all else, I trust my dreams

They tell me all of what’s unseen.

I sleep and see what’s deep inside,

All unknown answers, there do hide.

They assure me with the most jolting confidence, that I needn’t fear.

Or that something can be done to dry my tears.

Above all else I trust the tigers there.

Wordless, aggressive and ready for a dare.

But from a distance,

I watch them sinuously go forth,

and brush passed me like they don’t exist.


A Fable

There was an ancient land where the Princess of the Greens lived. She was blessed with talents of great value. She was proud of her talents and showed them off for all her land to see. Others admired her for these talents and wished to be blessed with similar talents.

She also had a fascination with dreams. She would have dreams that predicted events in her kingdom but she did not share them because she felt as though people would not believe her, or people would accuse her of witchcraft. She dreamed of water every night. In one way or another, water would present itself. Some nights as a river, some nights as an ocean or a stream or a moat.

She felt, because she dreamed of water, her destiny would be to marry the prince of the ocean. He was a handsome man with many talents too. He was muscular and a fast swimmer.

As she grew up, her parents, a king and queen, taught her to be brave and confident and to always use her talents to make others happy.  Until, one day she met Prince Agua and fell in love with him. The mermaids and mermen of his kingdom warned her that he was not a good soul, and that he would betray her. She was blinded by his great swimming and still believed her dreams predicted that she was destined to marry him.

Prince Agua began to mistreat her and she felt so poorly about herself that she stopped using her talents to help others and make the people of her kingdom happy. She fell ill and went to see a wizzard who long-served her royal family. ‘You must, at once, forget about this prince!’ He told her. But she did not listen, as punishment, the wizard told her she will drown for her passionate desire to meet her destiny at sea.

She slept that night and dreamed that she had a shower, cleansing her of ill desires. The next day she travelled by boat to a new land where she met Prince Agua’s cousin, Prince of the Clouds. They fell in love instantly. She was still confused until she learned that all water came from the clouds and that he was the source of her dreams.